Act 20 Requirement
If students are identified as at-risk (below the 25th percentile) on a universal screening assessment or diagnostic assessment, a personal reading plan must be created that includes:
- The specific early literacy skill deficiencies
- Goals and benchmarks for the pupil's progress toward grade-level literacy skills
- How progress will be monitored, a description of interventions and additional instructional services being provided
- The science-based reading programming the teacher will use
- Strategies for the parent to support grade-level literacy skills, and any additional services available and appropriate
Local education agencies (public schools and independent charter schools) will provide a copy of the personal reading plan to parents as well as provide progress updates after 10 weeks.
An assessment team at each elementary school will monitor the results of screening assessments to determine, develop, and implement plans to follow-up with additional diagnostic assessment with our 5K–3rd-grade students that fall below the 25th percentile according to the initial screening measures in reading. A legal guardian has the right to submit a request for diagnostic assessment at any time, including the right to request an evaluation through special education.
Students that fall below the 25th percentile according to the screening measures in reading will receive a Personal Reading Plan. Parents/Caregivers will be notified and will ahve access to the plan online, or optionally in paper form at Parent/Caregiver and Teacher conferences where the plan will be discussed. Educators will regularly review student growth (approximately every four to six weeks) and Parents/Caregivers will be notified of progress. Parents/Caregivers can also review student progress at any time online.
For students receiving Personal Reading Plans, Parents/Caregivers will be notified and will have access to the plan online or, optionally in paper form at Parent/Caregiver and Teacher conferences where the plan will be discussed. Educators will regularly review student growth (approximately every four to six weeks) and Parents/Caregivers will be notified of progress. Parents/Caregivers can also review student progress at any time online.